to the one/people who reads my blog
emoriclee blogspot
just to remind u all, that tomoro is JUNE liao lohh
06/09 ehh
JUNE..then its JULY tomoro =)
so fast
jux like every1 is talking about
the time is going real quick man
one day is lik 12 hours ONLY
09 gonna end soon..hahaha
ever wondered what've u actually did these few months?
jan feb march april and may? half a year now..
stil left 6 more months to go..
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
1. john
2. siowpei
3 .steph
4. reynold
3 .steph
4. reynold
5. wtm
6. wk
7. christine
8. lychee
9. kangyong
10. carmen
11. junyew
12. teehuiyi
13. esther
14. kahkoon
15. sherman
16. rachel
17. wailun
18. chenyi
19. zhenyi
20. huey yin
21. sonia
6. wk
7. christine
8. lychee
9. kangyong
10. carmen
11. junyew
12. teehuiyi
13. esther
14. kahkoon
15. sherman
16. rachel
17. wailun
18. chenyi
19. zhenyi
20. huey yin
21. sonia
1.How did u meet 7 ?
christine - we met since form1 in skul
christine - we met since form1 in skul
2.What would you do if you and 15 had never met ?
sherman - hmz i cant ans that
3.What would you do if 20 and 1 dated ?
john and huey yin - they did and i have ntg to say
4.Have you seen 17 cried ?
wailun - ada ka?
wailun - ada ka?
5.Would 4 and 15 make a good couple ?
reynold and sherman - nowayy!
reynold and sherman - nowayy!
6.Do u think 11 is attractive....?
junyew - u mean the size?muahaha he's gona kil me soon
junyew - u mean the size?muahaha he's gona kil me soon
7.What is 2's favourite colour..?
siowpei - wait i ask her.. she said blue.
siowpei - wait i ask her.. she said blue.
8.When was the last time you talk to 9....?
kangyong - last week?
kangyong - last week?
9.what language does 8 speak...?
lychee - cantonese to me
lychee - cantonese to me
10.Who is 13 going out with...?
esther - her best fren? she told me she likes being single!
esther - her best fren? she told me she likes being single!
11.Would you ever date 17...?
wailun - noway im nt gay
12.Where do 18 live..?
chenyi - kpg
chenyi - kpg
13.What is the best thing about 4...?
reynold - talk crapp keke
14.What would you like to tell 10 right now...?
carmen - what happened?!
15.What is the best thing about 20...?
huey yin - she's soft and kind
16.Have you ever kiss 2...?
siow pei - of cuz no
17.What is the best memory of 5...?
wtm - i knw him since i was standard 4, we talked alot, we get along together very well last time..especially during form5 =)
wtm - i knw him since i was standard 4, we talked alot, we get along together very well last time..especially during form5 =)
18.When is the next time u r going to see 4...?
reynold - tmrw i gues..?
19.How is different 7 from 6...?
wk and christine - boy n girl
20.Is 2 pretty...?
siow pei - soso pretty leh
21.What was your first impression of 15...?
sherman - ibann haha jkjk
22.How did u meet 3...?
steph - same clas during f4..we fight alot and bcom close fren now..
23.Is 5 your best friend...
wtm - ok
wtm - ok
24.Do you hate 12...?
teehuiyi - NO
teehuiyi - NO
25.Have you seen 18 in the last month...?
chenyi - nopp
chenyi - nopp
26.When was the last time you saw 16...?
rachel - 31/12 and 1/01 , we were in oldtown that time?
rachel - 31/12 and 1/01 , we were in oldtown that time?
27.Have you seen 5's house...?
wtm - of cuz
wtm - of cuz
28.When is the next time u will see 10...?
carmen - i have no idea
carmen - i have no idea
29.Are you close to 11...?
junyew - soclose
30.Have you been to movie with 4..?
reynold - yeapyeap
reynold - yeapyeap
31.Have you gotten trouble with 8..?
lychee - no yes no
lychee - no yes no
32.Would you give 19 a hug...?
zhenyi - wan meh? tak mau lo
zhenyi - wan meh? tak mau lo
33.When have you lied to 3...?
steph - i tak tau
34.Is 11 good good at socializing...?
junyew - perfectly!
junyew - perfectly!
35.Do you know a secret about 8...?
lychee - yes no yes ( i knw he hates hu nw! hahahah )
lychee - yes no yes ( i knw he hates hu nw! hahahah )
36.Describe the relation between 12 and 18..
teehuiyi and chenyi - so called close fren
teehuiyi and chenyi - so called close fren
37.Whats the best thing of your friendship with 9...?
kangyong - he's a doc!
kangyong - he's a doc!
39.Have you ever had a crush on 12...?
teehuiyi - she is my bbf
teehuiyi - she is my bbf
40.How long have you known 2...
siow pei - quite a long time
siow pei - quite a long time
41.Does 11 have any girlfriend or boyfriend...?
junyew - he's single
junyew - he's single
42.Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face...?
john - NO
john - NO
43.Has 21 meet your parents...?
sonia - nop
sonia - nop
44.How do you meet 11...?
junyew - in 2ndary skul, in class
45.Did u accidently physically hurt 3...?
steph - i duno
steph - i duno
46.Do you live close to 7...?
christine - boleh la
christine - boleh la
47.What is 8 favourite food...?
lychee - wolf
lychee - wolf
48.What kind of car does 1 have...?
john - avio chevrolet
john - avio chevrolet
49.Have you travelled anywhere with 9...?
kangyong - pd
kangyong - pd
50.If u give 14 $100 what would he or she spend it on...?
kahkoon - i duno..
1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
dam i gt clas at 123opm and i have to get up so early..?
3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
vicky, cuz
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled? a gud kid.. ^^
5. Will you ever donate blood?
haven, never tried b4, will i gues
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
7. Do you want someone to be dead?
.. im a buddha heart person, i wudnt wan ppl to b dead right?!
8. What does your last text message say?
im pretty sure cuz u say nvr do anything to it. so shudnt be ur problem wert - jy-
9. What are you thinking right now?
editing this post
1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
hmz no 1
14. Who was the last person to text you?
TEN Lucky friends…
- siow pei-
15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
16. Is no.3 a male or a female? Male
17. If no.7 and no.1 get together, would it be a good?
world war 3
18. What is no.1 studying about? banking n finance in tarc
19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
(1) MCD in wangsa maju in the afternoon...around 2pm
(2) latest person i talked to
(3) on msn, just now at 12am+
(4) on msn, just now
(5) msg, around 9pm+
(6) yesterday..
(7) just now, talked abit
(8) yest on few msg
(9) last week?!
(10) just now on msn
20. Is no.4 single?
=.=" ask JUNYEW la! hahahah
21. Say something about no.2.
my goodest fren..
22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
they cant be togete. haha bt they are best fren
23. Describe no.9.
she' pretty and friendly, a fren of mine since secondary skul, we were both quite close fren
24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight?
whoaa.. very deadd
25. Do you like 8?
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
dam i gt clas at 123opm and i have to get up so early..?
3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
vicky, cuz
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled? a gud kid.. ^^
5. Will you ever donate blood?
haven, never tried b4, will i gues
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
7. Do you want someone to be dead?
.. im a buddha heart person, i wudnt wan ppl to b dead right?!
8. What does your last text message say?
im pretty sure cuz u say nvr do anything to it. so shudnt be ur problem wert - jy-
9. What are you thinking right now?
editing this post
1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
hmz no 1
14. Who was the last person to text you?
TEN Lucky friends…
- siow pei-
15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
16. Is no.3 a male or a female? Male
17. If no.7 and no.1 get together, would it be a good?
world war 3
18. What is no.1 studying about? banking n finance in tarc
19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
(1) MCD in wangsa maju in the afternoon...around 2pm
(2) latest person i talked to
(3) on msn, just now at 12am+
(4) on msn, just now
(5) msg, around 9pm+
(6) yesterday..
(7) just now, talked abit
(8) yest on few msg
(9) last week?!
(10) just now on msn
20. Is no.4 single?
=.=" ask JUNYEW la! hahahah
21. Say something about no.2.
my goodest fren..
22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
they cant be togete. haha bt they are best fren
23. Describe no.9.
she' pretty and friendly, a fren of mine since secondary skul, we were both quite close fren
24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight?
whoaa.. very deadd
25. Do you like 8?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
ehh peeps
no more whatthefuck emo post*
hmz..tdy is way beta than yest
yest was a hell to me
was so not in the mood
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
im sorry
that's what i wanna say out to every1
for things that i've said out, for the broken promises/secret
and for all the backstabbing moment frm me..
that's what i wanna say out to every1
for things that i've said out, for the broken promises/secret
and for all the backstabbing moment frm me..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
PD day2
the night went off early, at 4am+
after sum chit chatting in the room
here is a pic, taken by WK early in the takde saya punya!
there was this game, duno-what-bangbang ad
after swimming, back to our apartment;cleaning up time
i was craving for this nasi briyani and ayam masak merah that time
bt too bad, none of them wanted to drive out and eat
only ME, who is so desperate and hungry that time, wanted to eat lunch!
at last, no1 wants to go out and off to bed me go
WK and CM went out though, tey went to the bandar
and go to pasar malam tim.. den bought us sum nasi lemak and chick
Night time =)
Wk discovered this restaurant
so off we go to have our dinner
vegee rm15
and that night, so ngam got ppl wedding dinner
so it was very huru-hara
back apartment
most of them wanted to go down swimming, since there is no off-limit time for the swimmer
u can even swim at 2am =.="
bt 3-4 including me, din join so stay at the room
was in the car heading back
all of a sudden, we saw this muzium askar
so den al of us went in there, no need pay
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