BITA exam is on..
damn freaking nervous
nearly blank out few hours b4.
keep browsing the notes.. memorizing..
bt then i slept early the night b4... hahaha relax..
honestly... quite screwed up my BITA paper..
i wanted to score bt i tink it wont happen right now..
the college hall is damn cold.. shaking.. gonna brain freeze..
and it is raining outside..
chandran after back frm college..
the whole night.. on9-ing . movie..
no mood to study at al..
FIFTH of sep2008
yest.. erm..
yaya.. woke up around 1230+
msg steph , sherman..
went to tuck kee for dim sum around 2..
adui.. dim sum nearly habis jual.. we are too late..
dim sum ends at 23O!
den jus order sum of it.. and order kong fu chao..
back home..
watch mooncake again.. haha wat else..
night ... went bel pasto pizza wif family..
whoaaa damn delicious italy restaurant..
later .. go desa park city with cy and john..
she' back.. and v did some chatting in coffee bean..
back home around 12+....
and ya because of mocha.. i s
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