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If you would like to speak to the owner, please hold.
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the following post will be related to the owner of emoriclee.blogspot 2 weeks sem break. so do enjoy the journey while reading it..=)
here is some random pictures of me and my friends
doing some revision, on the night before my finance paper
we were at Mcd eating, and chit-chatting to kill some time, since
im so damn stressed-up in my room memorizing the formulas
and then late, later at night, around 1pm
we went to bungkus ramlee burger, then back home

back home then around 9+pm
went for movie a with john, emily, lychee tm
in oneyou
a journey to portdickson, malacca
with EMOgang
steph . tm . paisley . lychee . kenzo
carmen . leijing . wilken . reynold
eric . emily . john . sherman
erm, this is emogang 2nd time trip to portdickson
the last one was in may, and now we went there again with a bit* of different people
the trip was gud!
so every1 prepared pretty early on sunday morning
and we had breakfast at menjalara, spaghetti
den off, our journey to pd!

the apartment we stayed was fine
as you can see
my friend there are slipin and resting once we had reached
we even pulled out the bed out from the room to the living room
john brought his dvd player , so all of us were gathering in the living room, watching movies

later then, in the evening
we drove to malacca
79km frm pd
caught slipin

back then, Stella; wk punya kawan
came out to find us, and brought us to this famous sate celup in malacca
ban lee siang
that time was around 11+pm ad
and yet the restaurant is still people mountain people sea

can u imagine how many ppl has actually dipped their sate sticks inside this pot hole?

back to pd, right after our supper
around 12+pm and reached pd an hour later
cut cut cut cut*
the night went of around 4-5+am
due to the interesting game introduced by kenzo
by searching the KILLERS
woke up, ad 12pm+
den we had our breakfast
and lepak in the room kejap
off to beach in the evening
located at batu 2

everybody was jumping happily =D

night time
we had steamboat in the apartment
paisley; the person incharged, bought everything for the steamboat party
every1 was sweating due to the pedasness of the sambal
later later at night, we went to the beach, for night scene
as u can see from the pic, click to enlarge
we were playing games that time..
haha LOL
back home..
continue movie, chat, play, eat
kenzo made us roti telur, dengan timun
sibeh cun!
then off light tido, around 4-5am again
time flies, its time to back kl ad
3days 2night trip
journey back to kl
kenzo suggested us to go to this taman

john is taking gud care of steph bottle

Haha, nonono
the trip hasnt end yet
we had dinner at jalan ipoh, xin ka hei
thumbs up for the dishes
NEXT DAY, thursday
dinner at klang for sherman's bday celebration


Happy Birthday FisherMan
Saturday, 26092009
Cheefai's farewell gathering at papparich
so everyone gathered there
all my secondary skul mates

Sunday, 27092009
college mate bday celebration at kaki corner, den lookout point downhill

Monday, 28092009
FEELING CAFE with Emogang
STEVEN CORNER is the next stop
Wednesday, 30092009
movie in oneu, with
bmw, pj, lychee, fisherman, fatty
rating : medium
Thursday, 01092009
Wk house, at night
den went for dimsum at 12am
no picture, only got video, but i wont upload
then next day,
Sushi zanmai at oneu
with wk, carmen, steph, paisley, sherman, lychee

here is some random pictures of me and my friends
doing some revision, on the night before my finance paper
we were at Mcd eating, and chit-chatting to kill some time, since
im so damn stressed-up in my room memorizing the formulas
and then late, later at night, around 1pm
we went to bungkus ramlee burger, then back home
back then, the next day after my last paper, which is the business law
went to genting with my college mates
quite an interesting journey since my fren drove his house latio go
so cuts all the busses, and cable car process
ntg much to do dere though
wasted my rm38bux for playing the outdoor theme park
most of the games are out of service, or either under maintenance
later then, went to starbucks to hav some drinks
went to genting with my college mates
quite an interesting journey since my fren drove his house latio go
so cuts all the busses, and cable car process
ntg much to do dere though
wasted my rm38bux for playing the outdoor theme park
most of the games are out of service, or either under maintenance
later then, went to starbucks to hav some drinks
back home then around 9+pm
went for movie a with john, emily, lychee tm
in oneyou
rating: low

a journey to portdickson, malacca
with EMOgang
steph . tm . paisley . lychee . kenzo
the last one was in may, and now we went there again with a bit* of different people
the trip was gud!
so every1 prepared pretty early on sunday morning
and we had breakfast at menjalara, spaghetti
den off, our journey to pd!
the apartment we stayed was fine
as you can see
my friend there are slipin and resting once we had reached
we even pulled out the bed out from the room to the living room
john brought his dvd player , so all of us were gathering in the living room, watching movies
we drove to malacca
79km frm pd
caught slipin
Malacca street*
came out to find us, and brought us to this famous sate celup in malacca
ban lee siang
that time was around 11+pm ad
and yet the restaurant is still people mountain people sea
can u imagine how many ppl has actually dipped their sate sticks inside this pot hole?
around 12+pm and reached pd an hour later
cut cut cut cut*
the night went of around 4-5+am
due to the interesting game introduced by kenzo
by searching the KILLERS
den we had our breakfast
and lepak in the room kejap

located at batu 2
we had steamboat in the apartment
paisley; the person incharged, bought everything for the steamboat party

later later at night, we went to the beach, for night scene
as u can see from the pic, click to enlarge
we were playing games that time..
haha LOL


continue movie, chat, play, eat
kenzo made us roti telur, dengan timun
sibeh cun!
then off light tido, around 4-5am again
time flies, its time to back kl ad
3days 2night trip
kenzo suggested us to go to this taman
the trip hasnt end yet
we had dinner at jalan ipoh, xin ka hei

NEXT DAY, thursday
dinner at klang for sherman's bday celebration

Happy Birthday FisherMan

Saturday, 26092009
Cheefai's farewell gathering at papparich
so everyone gathered there
all my secondary skul mates

college mate bday celebration at kaki corner, den lookout point downhill

FEELING CAFE with Emogang
STEVEN CORNER is the next stop
Wednesday, 30092009
movie in oneu, with
bmw, pj, lychee, fisherman, fatty
rating : medium

Wk house, at night
den went for dimsum at 12am
then next day,
Sushi zanmai at oneu
with wk, carmen, steph, paisley, sherman, lychee

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